martes, 25 de marzo de 2014

True Detective

Marty: "I mean, can you imagine if people didn't believe, what things they'd get up to?"
Rust: "Exact same thing they do now, just out in the open."
Marty: "Bullshit. It'd be a fucking freak show of murder and debauchery and you know it."
Rust: "If the only thing keeping a person decent is the expectation of divine reward, then brother, that person is a piece of shit; and I'd like to get as many of them out in the open as possible." [...] "What's it say about life, hmm? You gotta get together, tell yourself stories that violate every law of the universe just to get through the god damn day. Nah. What's that say about your reality, Marty?"

True Detective - "The Locked Room"

lunes, 10 de febrero de 2014

Time bomb

For over two years now, I've been feeling like I'm holding a time bomb that is constantly ticking, yet it has no display that shows how long it will be until it finally detonates. It will burst one day; it has to. But there's no way of knowing when or how the explosion will occur, or how many casualties it will bring about.
At this point, I'm just wishing it would happen once and for all. Because whatever damage it causes, it will surely be less painful than constantly having to tiptoe around it.

But I'm too much of a coward to set it off myself.

miércoles, 15 de enero de 2014


Confiar en mí y en otros.
No juzgar, no juzgarme.
Atreverme a pensar menos antes de actuar.
Dar rienda suelta a la imaginación.
Conocer gente diferente.
Conocer lugares que me debo hace tiempo.
Salir de lo que es cómodo y fácil.
Soltar los prejuicios.
Ser cada día más auténtica.
Aceptarme, y aceptar a los demás.
Que no me importe no ser aceptada.
Que no se corte, y sobre todo que no me corte.

Volver a leer este post a fin de año y poder decir que lo logré o, al menos, que lo intenté.